Emma Lake is an intermedia artist working with the mediums of paint and sound. Her work explores sensory experiences and biographical recounts from nights out, including club and hook-up culture. The figures and undulating backgrounds of her paintings reflect the rhythmic pulsing of crowds, beating of music, blurring of memory and recreational drug-use. Sound work is created alongside these paintings. Emma’s sound-work consists of compilations of ‘found’ sounds, recorded during her walks around the city.
Recently Emma’s work has explored the ‘reawakening’ of the city after the Covid-19 lockdowns of 2020 & 2021. The sound-work, ‘The City Stirs’, is a compilation of ‘found’ sounds recorded during the period when restrictions where first lifted in the summer of 2021. The work captures the sounds of ‘normality’ returning to the sleeping city – drunken laughter, a busker’s song, murmurs of crowded streets and the rattles of public transport. The painting ‘The City Stirs’, which was created alongside this sound-work, visualises the over-stimulation which many experienced – including the artist herself - once public events and gatherings where permitted post-lockdowns.
To listen to 'The City Stirs', Click Here

2020 - 2021
In my work I have been imagining the different narratives which are stacked as ‘hidden’ stories within the compartments which comprise a collective of flats within a building. We are in the same building the majority of the day, simultaneously moving side by side, divided only by thin walls, cracked ceilings and dusted floorboards. Therefore, as I sat in my room I began to contemplate who my neighbours may be, what they were doing that day and how they were dealing emotionally with the pandemics restrictions. .
My paintings reflect these 'ghostly' companions within our walls - a bump, or a murmer that indicates the anonymous presence of others within our buildings.
To enquire about prices and commissions of work Click Here